Hi hi! I'm Hex, an EN VTUBER. Here are some things about me and what to expect in my stream! 🌙


On stream, I primarily play MMOs, shooters, and MOBAs. Aside from that, I play a few single player games (I love roguelikes!). The primary goal of the stream is to create a comfy environment and eventual community.
I am currently focused on single player RPGs and games that let me engage with my chat!


I'm a hardcore raider on Final Fantasy XIV first and foremost. Whenever raid content drops, you can expect me to see me trying to push to clear it as fast as possible.
I play TFT quite a bit, and am trying to reach Grandmasters in one of the sets. I usually peak Diamond, but I know I can do better!
I play Apex Legends, VALORANT, Call of Duty, and other various shooters depending on my mood.
Rogue likes are my favorite genre though, so expect a lot of those! Hades and Risk of Rain are personal favorites.
I also play gachas - I currently play Genshin Impact and Arknights. Ask me about my favorite characters!


I have a very cute cat who is my pride and joy (I will happily show him off).
I'm a 22 y/o attending college. I love reading, writing - especially poetry, and am studying English with a focus in languages. I'd love to be a linguist, archivist, or narrative writer with this degree - hopefully life works out in a way where I can achieve one of these!
Space is something I love very much as well. I'll happily listen to any space facts you might throw at me!

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